June 30th is a day I will never forget. It was the day I witnessed my sister pass away from lung cancer. A woman who was a non-smoker and lived an extraordinary life, I always believed Tracy would beat the odds. It really pisses me off. She wasn't a smoker, had a family, including 3 beautiful kids, yet was cut down in the prime of her life. She was only 3 years older than I and I cry foul!. All I can think of is the poem "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night". We must all live life to the fullest which means taking advantage of every opportunity that arises and having the courage to do what we are afraid of doing. We all must "Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
I have always been the black sheep in my family. Doing things against the grain and not considered the norm. Although they didn't always agree with my choices, my family always supported my decisions. I really want to thank them with all my heart for that. Mom, I bet you never thought I would be where I am today

Without everyone's support, I know I would never have achieved everything I have nor be where I am today. I thank you all for that. Julie, you have alway been there for me. No matter what I have been feeliing, you have always been there for me. No matter what you have always looked out for us.
Life is too short to just play by the book. We all need to take chances, do what makes us happy. How many of us regret not having had the courage to kiss the girl or say what we really want to say because we are scared of what other people think? My life hasn't been easy and I experienced all of this, so don't think its not normal. It wasn't until I realized that I don't really care what other people think as long as I am happy and I know what I am doing is right that I could truly live a life worth living. For that matter had I not been, I doubt that Julie and I would ever have gotten together, gotten married and eventually have our beautiful son Dean.
I ramble on..... I think the essence of what I am trying to say is that life is too short for fear, doubt, hate... We have to do what makes us happy. We need to experience everything that life has to give us. Being from farm country in Maine, I just have to quote Tim McGraw when he sings "Live Like You Were Dying". I really cannot sum it up better than his song.
Tracy, We love you.