Having attended this conference for the past 2 years, I finally decided to do some presentations. Other than a minor glitch with my battery running out halfway through my first presentation (note to self - always remember to plug in the laptop), my workshop,
Advanced XML and Web Services in PHP, went very well. I wish I could say the same for the presentation on the following day:
XML Encryption and Authentication. After I couldnt get my laptop hooked into the AV equipment, I finally switched to a different laptop. First, the slides got corrupted when copying them to my flash drive and the exisitng ones were missing the last few slides. To top it off, I am familiar with using Impress (my latop ran linux) and the one I ended up using had MS Powerpoint (the right mought button sure doesnt do the same thing for these programs) and I continually kept having a stupid pop up appearing on the screen. The slides without the commentary don't do the presentations justice, but should at least give everyone an idea of the subject matter. [. . .]
All in all, I think things went well and I did field a lot of questions, especially outside my presentations on the various aspects of XML and PHP (especially the security side). With XML playing a bigger role in PHP than it had in the past (probably due to the better support as well as the increased popularity of Web services in general), XML Security is an area not too many are familiar with or have even thought about. It has piqued my interest with regards to working with XML and PHP and is something I will be working on to make aspects of it easier to work with in PHP.
I had a great time at the conference and would like to thank every one in the organization for their great work. Hope to fee you all again next year.