Monday, September 22. 2008Where's Waldo?
I've been getting a number of emails asking if I'm still alive and kicking. The answer is yes, just have had a lot of things going on lately. Those of you who were at php|tek in Chicago this year know that my wife and I are having our first baby. We've been busy doing the doctor's visits, shopping, getting nursery ready, shopping, wondering if we have everything we need, and did I mention shopping. Never realized how expensive babies are and he's not even here yet (Yes, I said "he", we are having a boy).
On the flip side, work has been very hectic. Things are going well and we are very busy. For the past 5-6 months, on top of my regular work on our proxy, I have been living and breathing OAuth. Unlike OpenID, which is really only found in the social networking/blogging areas, and Information Cards which is still new and has some ways to go for more widespread adoption, companies have started actively adopting and implementing OAuth for use with their APIs. Things should start getting interesting once they start rolling these out to the general public. I'm still involved with my xmlseclibs project, PHP and libxml2/libxslt. I just haven't had as much time over the past few months. I try to fix what I can when I get a chance, but my participation really has been slacking. With fall having started and winter on the way, I'll have more free time to work on these things. Hope to hit some of the feature requests I've gotten in the XML/PHP areas, as well as soon add some additional functionality to xmlseclibs to work with WS-BPEL (just needs some additional testing). If there are any additional feature requests or bugs I haven't looked at yet (I got a number via email that aren't in any of the bug systems - so may have forgotten about them), let me know and I'll make sure they make my TODO list.
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