<% from mod_python import apache import sys xmlseclibs = apache.import_module("xmlseclibs", path=["/usr/local/www/serendipity/infocard/python/"]) infocardlib = apache.import_module("infocardlib", path=["/usr/local/www/serendipity/infocard/python/"]) %> CDatazone Infocard test

This is a demonstration of using InfoCards with Python.

<% test = form.getfirst('test', '') if (not test): %>

In order to use this demonstration, you must make sure you are accessing this page via HTTPS.
Please Click Here if you are not currently in SSL mode.

Click on the following image to submit your InfoCard.
Notice:You must be using IE7 or have some other selector addin already installed for your browser.

<% else: xmlToken = form.getfirst('xmlToken', '') if (not xmlToken): %>

Unable to process the submission.
Make sure you have Windows Cardspace or equivalent installed

<% else: %>

Submitted Assertion Claims:

<% token = infocardlib.processCard(xmlToken) if (token): assertions = infocardlib.getAssertions(token) if (assertions): for name in assertions.keys(): value = assertions[name] if (name != 'privatepersonalidentifier'): req.write(name + ': ' + value + '
') if (len(assertions) == 0): %> None <% # endif block # endif block # endif block # endif block %>

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