xmlseclibs.php ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 27 Nov 2007, 1.2.0 Features: - New addReference/List option (overwrite). Boolean flag indicating if URI value should be overwritten if already existing within document. Default is TRUE to maintain BC. 18 Nov 2007, 1.1.2 Bug Fixes: - Remove closing PHP tag to fix extra whitespace characters from being output 11 Nov 2007, 1.1.1 Features: - Add getRefNodeID() and getRefIDs() methods missed in previous release. Provide functionality to find URIs of existing reference nodes. Required by simpleSAMLphp project Bug Fixes: - Remove erroneous whitespace causing issues under certain circumastances. 18 Oct 2007, 1.1.0 Features: - Enable creation of enveloping signature. This allows the creation of managed information cards. - Add addObject method for enveloping signatures. - Add staticGet509XCerts method. Chained certificates within a PEM file can now be added within the X509Data node. - Add xpath support within transformations - Add InclusiveNamespaces prefix list support within exclusive transformations. Bug Fixes: - Initialize random number generator for mcrypt_create_iv. (Joan Cornadó). - Fix an interoperability issue with .NET when encrypting data in CBC mode. (Joan Cornadó).