<% from mod_python import apache import sys xmlseclibs = apache.import_module("xmlseclibs", path=["./infocard/"]) infocardlib = apache.import_module("infocardlib", path=["./infocard/"]) %> CDatazone Infocard test <% test = form.getfirst('test', '') if (not test): %>
<% else: xmlToken = form.getfirst('xmlToken', '') if (not xmlToken): %>

Unable to process the submission.
Make sure you have Windows Cardspace or equivalent installed

<% else: %>

Submitted Assertion Claims:

<% token = infocardlib.processCard(xmlToken) if (token): assertions = infocardlib.getAssertions(token) if (assertions): for name in assertions.keys(): value = assertions[name] if (name != 'privatepersonalidentifier'): req.write(name + ': ' + value + '
') if (len(assertions) == 0): %> None <% # endif block # endif block # endif block # endif block %>